Led by Winstead’s Labor & Employment and Benefits attorneys, the Employer Law Resource provides important news, updates, analyses and strategies for business leaders and professionals who manage legal matters involving labor, employment, and benefits issues. The Employer Law Resource serves as a business tool for officers, directors, in-house counsel, human resources leaders and other personnel management professionals who need to stay informed on complex issues impacting their workforce.
Backed by the extensive resources of a long-standing, Texas-based law firm with exceptional credentials, the Winstead Labor & Employment and Executive Compensation & Benefits Practice Groups cover the entire spectrum of employee-employer relationships. We understand the many challenges facing employers today and work closely with clients’ in-house human resources and legal staff, as well as other professionals, as trusted advisors to provide practical, cost-effective business solutions. Our clients include both small start-up and Fortune 500 companies, encompassing Winstead’s broad industry range.
To learn more, visit: Labor & Employment Practice Group and Executive Compensation & Benefits Practice Group.